Candle Care and Safety


  1. Never leave a burning candle unattended: Always stay in the same room as a burning candle and extinguish it before leaving.

  2. Keep candles out of reach of children and pets: Place candles in areas where they cannot be easily accessed or knocked over by curious children or pets.

  3. Use sturdy candle holders: Ensure that candle holders are stable and can withstand the heat of the candle. Avoid using flammable materials for candle holders.

  4. Trim candle wicks: Trim the wick to about 1/4 inch before lighting to prevent excessive flickering, smoking, or uneven burning.

  5. Keep candles away from flammable objects: Place candles at least 12 inches away from anything that can catch fire, including curtains, books, and decorations.

  6. Use proper candle containers: If using container candles, ensure that the container is heat-resistant and won't crack or break as the candle burns.

  7. Avoid drafts: Place candles away from drafts, as they can cause uneven burning, increased dripping, or even tip the candle over.

  8. Burn candles on a heat-resistant surface: Place candles on surfaces that can withstand heat, such as ceramic or metal, to prevent damage to furniture or countertops.

  9. Don't burn candles to the bottom: Extinguish candles when there is about 1/2 inch of wax remaining to prevent the container from overheating and potential breakage.

  10. Use candle accessories responsibly: Be cautious with candle accessories like candle snuffers and extinguishers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and use them properly to avoid accidents.

Remember, practicing candle safety is crucial to prevent accidents and ensure a safe and enjoyable candle-lit environment.